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Group Field section 4

Civil Engineering - Utility Plans
Bringing the water and electricity home.

One of the major contributions that civil engineers have to civilization is that we bring water and electrity to your property. Civil engineers design and coordinate the utility layouts for developments. We coordinate the location for sewer lines, water line, electrical lines and easements for utilities. Electrical engineers create the electricity but civil engineers make way for the extension chords to the power grids. 

A-1 Engineering, LLC civil engineering team is prepared to help power your project. We can develop and coordinate the utilities for your development. A feasibility study will help you learn up front how feasible it is to power your building and locate sewer line and water lines. The location of these lines may impact where you end up putting your building. 

Electrical line, water lines and even water towers are coordinated by civil engineers. Developing infrustructure is the prime benefit of civil engineers to your project.