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Foundation Movement - Explained

Slab on ground foundation with post tension cables


Regardless to the type of foundation, there are two common reasons for foundation movement:


1)    Response to soil volume change (shrink, swell or settle): Response to soils means that foundation will move in the direction the supporting soils move. The simplest way to understand this is to understand that soils move in four directions: up, down, and the sides (left and right).

Why does my Pier and Beam foundation move?

Why does my  Pier and Beam Foundation move?

Before the use of the conventional slab on grade or floating slabs, the pier and beam foundation was the typical foundation constructed to support a house. Before 1950, the pier and beam foundation was the most economical and practical foundation for homes. With the development and advances in concrete design, contractors and developers started to construct floating slabs as opposed to pier and beam foundations.